
Comms for Good is a non-profit organisation founded by Kate Bolton in 2017 with a vision to put generosity at the heart of the way we live and work. 

We do this by helping companies and individuals find ways to build new relationships and expand networks through the support of good causes. 

Through Comms for Good fundraising campaigns and networking events, people and organisations can join forces in a powerful network to create maximum momentum for the causes we care about. 

By putting charity front and centre of doing business, we get better outcomes for the causes that need our help, and we build stronger, more sustainable relationships.

Working together to change the world

Comms for Good works with individuals and companies to find creative ways to weave charity support into their every day business activities.

We also launch collaborative fundraising initiatives in partnership with industry networks and event providers.

Let’s talk

Would you like to brainstorm some ideas or organise an event? Or would you like to sponsor a fundraising campaign? Get in touch and let’s talk about how we can work together.